Hub for creative's

Creative's hub
The Creative Hub aims to rapidly consolidate artistic resources for its members and foster potential collaborations for joint projects.

Initially, this concept will be accessible through Telegram, serving as a simple messaging platform facilitating member discussions.

However, this platform will be temporary, as the intention is for this basic chat group to evolve into a comprehensive forum.

In this forum, advanced resources will be provided to members for free, including:

- Sewing patterns
- Exclusive videos
- Special discounts from major tools such as Adobe, Wix, etc.
- Know-how shared by members
- Increased visibility opportunities

Exclusive access will be offered to the most loyal members, notably through the Cloud Nitro service, which provides enhanced visibility through boosted posts for their social media profil.

The forum will strive to maintain a high level of professionalism. Members with advanced skills will have the opportunity to sell their expertise.

Access to the forum will be subscription-based, with a monthly fee ranging from 4 to 8 Euros, and discounted rates available for annual commitments.

The subscription fee will serve to filter out less committed candidates, fund the construction and maintenance of the forum, and support an administrator responsible for its smooth operation.

This forum aims to simplify the lives of many and be mutually beneficial for all involved, providing a strong leverage for business growth.
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